2020 International Society for Music Information Retrieval conference
Selected work: Sound | Figuration, live interactive piece for piano and live multimedia Montréal, Canada
Selected work: Sound | Figuration, live interactive piece for piano and live multimedia Montréal, Canada
Selected work: Handwriting WuXing, Multimedia work for Leap Motion and Chinese calligraphy stroke gesture recognition system Stockholm, Sweden
Selected work: Handwriting WuXing, Multimedia work for Leap Motion and Chinese calligraphy stroke gesture recognition system New York, USA
Selected work: The verse of the autumnal wind, Multimedia work for flute and DIPS Daegu, South Korea
Selected work: Integration, Multimedia work for Infrared Touch screen and MYO Armband Shanghai, China
Selected Papers: Analysis on Multimedia Convergence Composition of EXTREMA Nagoya, Japan
Selected work: Multi Helix, for Solo Guitar and live electronics New York, USA
Selected work: Extrema, for Bed of Nails and live electronics Utrecht, Netherlands